Hospital List
Your due date is coming up, and it's time to pack your hospital bag. Use our hospital bag checklist to make sure you have everything you need.
When should I pack my bag for hospital?
Have your bag ready by the time you're about 30 weeks pregnant, since you could go into labour at any time in the weeks before your due date. Keep your bag near the door – or even in the car.
Having your bag ready ahead of time is a good idea even if you're having a planned c-section, because labor could start before your scheduled date.

Mum Essentials
Baby Essentials
Other Home Essentials

Mum Essentials
Anti-natal card (blue card)
A hand fan and spray mist bottle
Face cloth or sponge
A robe or front-opening shirt for nursing and skin-to-skin contact after delivery
A fresh nightgown, pyjamas, or comfy sweats to wear when you have visitors
Nursing pillow
Flip flops to use when taking a shower
A nursing bra with no underwire
Maternity underpants and disposable briefs
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Personal items, like a hairbrush, cosmetics, toothbrush, toothpaste and make-up
A going-home outfit (pack loose-fitting clothes — you’ll be around the size you were when you were 6 months pregnant)
Mobile Charger
Baby Essentials
3 sleepsuits and vests
Socks or tights
Baby cotton scratch mittens
Baby hats
3 hooded baby towels
Top'n'tail bowl
Natural sponge
1 pack newborn nappies
Nappy bags
Baby wipes
Cotton wool
Baby shampoo, soap and oil
Brush and comb
Newborn soother
Microwave steriliser bags
Muslin squares
Blanket and cellular blanket
Swaddle blanket
Mosquito net
Crib fitted sheet
Going home outfit
Infant car seat

Other Home Essentials
Baby nest
Cot bedding essentials
Sleeping bag
Baby monitor
Baby thermometer
Room/bath thermometer
Baby bath
Baby scissors
Baby bottles
Bottle brush
Bottle detergent
Soother holder and chain
Breast pump
Steriliser - electric or microwave
Soother steriliser
Bottle warmer
Cold mist humidifier